Tag Archives: In Our Hands

Solo exhibition Marjolijn Dijkman, Fotokuu Biennal Talinn


MFA tutor Marjolijn Dijkman has a solo at Rundum, as part of the Fotokuu Biennal in Talinn, Estland.
The film installation In Our Hands is based on research into hand gestures that were developed to influence, heal, predict – or ward off – the future. The final choreography includes a range of gestures from diverse sources – from spiritual to political to military – that have become removed from their original context. The film consists of a with motion capture produced animation of two virtual transparent hands. In Our Hands relates to current debates around Artificial Intelligence, it’s often anthropomorphic character and the concept of singularity with a form of super intelligence that we will or won’t keep in control.
 The accompanying sound piece in the exhibition is a composition made of 18 computer generated binaural tones or brainwaves.

The exhibition opens tonight, thursday oct 22, and runs until november 8th.

