Category Archives: Related Events

Onderbroken Stad, Antwerp BE

On march 4, 5 and 6 Helga Jakobson, Marta Masiero, Adriano LaLicata, Thom Brand and Nina Orteu (all current MFA AKV|St.Joost participants) and alumnus Maud Oonk (2015) participate with artistic interventions in Onderbroken Stad.

With the event ‘Onderbroken Stad’ the new Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA) will be launched. ARIA is a collaborative undertaking by Universiteit Antwerpen, Sint Lucas Antwerpen, Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen en het Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen. The event takes place in the Koninklijke Stadsfeestzaal and beyond in an empty shopping mall, in Antwerp.

For the full program, please check:



Finding the Unexpected – Lecture Sebastian Olma

Sebastian Olma, AKV|St.Joost’s newly appointed researcher in the field of Autonomy in Art and Design, gave his first public lecture at AKV|St.Joost at the start of the academic year.

Also, the second newly appointed researcher, Michel van Dartel, introduced himself briefly. He will start in November as a researcher Human Oriented Creation in Art and Design.

In his lecture Serendipity in art: an explorationOlma provided an insight and introduction into his current topic of research

To exist as an artist, is to dare to throw oneself into the adventure of serendipity*

*The radical exploration of the present conditions of feeling and sensing 

Also, he spoke about exhibitions he saw over the summer; Black Mountain College at the Hamburger Bahnhof, and Zero, let us explore the stars – at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

Everything arranges itself around it: solo exhibition Pim Kersten at Arti Capelli

MFA graduate Pim Kersten (2012) has a solo exhibition coming up at Arti Capelli, Den Bosch. Opening may 31st, 16.00 h. The exhibition runs until July 25th.

Pim Kersten


Considering to apply for an MFA at AKV|St.Joost? Upcoming deadline for the next round of applications is may 25th.

Elsbeth ciesluk-hengelo-installing-work

Elsbeth Ciesluk installing her work, Hengelo 2012


The two-year Master of Fine Art is practice-oriented with a strong, stimulating theoretical component.

What does it mean to be an artist today? The focus of the Master course lies on the development of your work and to strengthen your position in the (art)world. Based on the strengths, demands and positions of artists within the current socio-economical reality, you are interested in researching alternatives, durable methods and models within a contemporary art practice.

We’re looking forward to your applications!

Book launch: MFA AKV | St.Joost presents Functions of Myth

During Super Book Saturday april 18th at Onomatopee in Eindhoven we presented the publication Functions of Myth, made with last years MFA graduates Paulina Mellado, Dimitris Rentoumis, Alexandros Kaklamanos, Yukari Matsumoto and Laleh Firoozi.

The publication was made to partner a group show with the same name, held last year at Club Solo in Breda. Texts are by Thomas I’Anson and the graduates, Graphic design by Stefano Faoro.

Through short presentations, a performative lecture, a poem and the screenings of works, participants explored the works within the pages and beyond.

The publication is available in the bookshop of Onomatopee in Eindhoven, Club Solo in Breda and the academy’s bookstores at both locations of AKV| St.Joost in Breda and Den Bosch.

AKV|St.Joost presents: Functions of Myth

Coming up: Functions of Myth, the publication made to accompany the group show with the same name by recent MFA graduates, will be presented during Super Book Saturday at Onomatopee, saturday april 18th, 16.00 – 21.00 h  functions

The publication will be presented through a o.a. performance, screening and a talk in conjunction with the publication. Dimitris Rentoumis, Paulina Mellado, Yukari Matsumoto, Laleh Firoozi and Alexandros Kaklamanos will all be exploring the works documented within the pages.

Super Book Saturday is an event combining book presentations, art, music and poetry. Besides the presentation of our publication there will be presentations by Griet Menschaert, Zeepblind Collective, and Movement and Centres, a new book by Joan van Barneveld. Find the full program here

You are cordially invited / hope to see you there! Super Book Saturday, saturday april 18th, 16.00 h Onomatopee, Hallenweg 1C, Eindhoven NL

Functions of Myth, with contributions by Yukari Matsumoto (JP), Alexandros Kaklamanos (GR), Dimitris Rentoumis (GR), Paulina Mellado (CL) and Laleh Firoozi. Text by the artists and Thomas I’Anson (UK), who curated the exhibition. Graphic design by Stefano Faoro (IT).

Keep the fire burning: inhale/exhale trip New York blog


After a great trip in New York, we are back in the Netherlands. Read back on our experiences in New York at the blog of our trip:

High Life Low Profile


High Life Low Profile

A 50 min presence and presentation of participants of MFA AKV|St.Joost


Whitney Museum construction site (Highline, corner Gansevoort St/Washington St.) NYC

Sunday March 22, 4 PM

Participants: Dorina Kappatou, Piffin Duvekot, Adriano La Licata, Marta Maseiro, Maud Oonk, Maarten Spons, Tyas Leeuwerink, Katherina Heil, Mohadeseh Rahimitabar, Nguyen Quang Vinh, Katrein Breukers, Danni van Amstel, Lorelinde Verhees, Thomas Bakker, George Korsmit, Erik Hagoort

(The High Line runs from Gansevoort Street – Meatpacking district / West 34th between 10th and 12th avenues

Map available at both ends of the line). 

You are cordially invited. 

Masters at St.Joost presents: Artist Talk by Tran Luong

poster tran luong

Masters at St.Joost
Artist Talk: Tran Luong
With brief introduction by MFA tutor Erik Hagoort
Thursday dec. 11
17.00 – 19.00 h
Academy Den Bosch, auditorium
Tran Luong (Hanoi, 1960) is a visual artist, performance artist and independent curator. He plays an important role in the development contemporary art in North-Vietnam.
Luong is currently rewarded with the Prince Claus Laureate 2014 for his extraordinary commitment to development of art and culture. We are happy to welcome him for an artist talk at AKV|St.Joost, where he will speak about the contemporary art situation in Vietnam and about his own practice. 
From the Prince Claus Laureate jury rapport: “Tran Luong teaches people to speak up, through personal action and self-reflection. He works with great dedication and energy on the development of workshops and artist initiatives, the establishment of networks and communities for performance and video art in – and outside Vietnam. He gives his support to dissidents in a climate of censorship and conformity. He is committed to freedom of expression, international dialogue and forging stronger communities, and is an inspiration to younger generations.”
Tran Luong was born in 1960 and completed his studies at the University of Fine Arts in Hanoi in 1983. After his studies he founded the artist group Gang of Five that gave a great impetuous to contemporary art in Vietnam. Coming from painting, he now also dedicates himself to a greater extent to installations and performative art, which like his paintings engage in the experiences and problems from his nearest surroundings and in the changes of society.
In 2000, he founded the Contemporary Art Centre in Hanoi, as whose artistic director he worked until the end of 2003. He is considered to be the most important agent of contemporary art in Vietnam, and he has organized numerous workshops for young artists and curated performance festivals and exhibitions, among others a collaboration with the Goethe-Institute Hanoi. His works have been on display in numerous group and solo exhibitions in Vietnam, Japan, Australia, the USA, Germany, France and elsewhere.
You are cordially invited!

next week: Studium Generale: Interdisciplinair!

Tuesday 4 and wednesday 5 nov. is Studium Generale, with lectures concerning the topics of interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary ways of working. The lectures are freely accessible to everybody.

see the program here:

HYPER, presentation Tanya Long at IK-Eiland, opening 26.10.14

MFA graduate Tanya Long (2012) was granted a two-month residency at the IK-Eiland, Oost-Souburg NL with support from the Mondrian Fund. She will present works made during the residency, opening sunday oct. 26, 12.00 h.

MFA tutor Thomas Bakker will give a short introduction on Tanya’s work. During the residency Tanya also made a multiple, that will be for sale from the opening on.

In the HOEK-Pavillion there will be works shown from the private collections of Henric Borsten, Piet Dieleman and Dave Meijer.

Uitnodiging / invitation HYPER

Vanaf begin september was Tanya Long (New York, 1981) te gast op het IK – eiland.

Stichting IK nodigt u van harte uit voor de opening van haar eindpresentatie HYPER op zondag 26 oktober 2014 om 12 uur in het K – paviljoen. Thomas Bakker was docent van Tanya én gastkunstenaar bij IK in 2012. Hij geeft een introductie.

Tijdens haar werkperiode heeft Tanya een werk in oplage gemaakt, genummerd en gesigneerd. Het is vanaf de opening te koop.

In het hoek-paviljoen is een keuze werken uit particuliere collecties te zien van Henric Borsten, Piet Dieleman en Dave Meijer.

Beide tentoonstellingen zijn te bezichtigen t/m 23 november 2014. De openingstijden zijn zaterdag en zondag van 12 tot 17 uur en op afspraak.

Thursday Oct 16, Masters at St.Joost Lecture Series #1 Edwin van der Heide 18.00 – 20.00 h

graphic design: Alexandr Smirnov

graphic design: Alexandr Smirnov

You are cordially invited!
Oct 16, 18.00 – 20.00 h, auditorium AKV St.Joost in Den Bosch, Onderwijsboulevard 256.

The academy bar Vloeibar is also open; join us for a drink at the happy hour (17.00 h – 18.00 h) upstairs on the first floor. Lecture start at 18.00 h!

Janneke Kornet participates in Preparture, Kunstencluster Wll Fabriek Den Bosch

Janneke Kornet, Aït Benhaddou Morocco 2011

Janneke Kornet, Aït Benhaddou Morocco 2011

Graduate Janneke Kornet (2010) takes part in Preparture, a happening and exhibition for artists that evolves around young art workers with an exhibition and conversations around questions of makership, inspirations and needs for today’s young artists.

The opening is on friday oct. 3, 21.30 h

more info: preparture

Mari Stoel – Here Is Nothing Missing, Scheltema A’dam opening 03.10.14

Mari Stoel

Graduate Mari Stoel (2012) presents “Here is nothing missing – Er ontbreekt heir niets, opening friday oct. 3 17.00 – 18.00 h at bookstore Scheltema, Koningsplein 20 Amsterdam.  The exhibition is on view until sunday 02.11.

(NL) Met ‘Here is nothing missing’ – Er ontbreekt hier niets – laat Mari Stoel (1978) een werk zien waarin hij een alledaags voorwerp, het meest direct voor de hand liggende materiaal om mee te bouwen (een houten plank) verheft tot een decoratief symbool.

Het werk bestaat uit diverse beschilderde houten planken en een foto, waarop hij zichzelf als trotse verzamelaar etaleert. Met het geschilderde gedeelte verwijst Stoel niet alleen naar de schilderkundige truc, de Trompe-l’oeil die kunstschilders o.a. in de 17e eeuw hanteerden om zichzelf rijker te doen voorkomen dan ze waren (goud geverfde knopen en versiersels op mouwen en jacquetten), maar legt de nadruk vooral op het camoufleren van het al bestaande, door het op een supernatuurlijke manier te benadrukken, als een (schijnbaar overbodig ) streven naar perfectie, een licht ironische oefening voor maakbaar geluk.

‘Here is nothing missing’ staat symbool voor het eigen maken van je omgeving, zonder de ware betekenis ervan te ontkennen, of anders gezegd: je moet er altijd wat van maken.

Mari Stoel is alumnus van MFA St. Joost in Den Bosch en academie Minerva in Groningen. Eerder dit jaar gaf hij een solo bij Ten Haaf Projects, in de Laurierstraat. In 2010 won hij de Buning Brongers prijs en werd genomineerd voor de Koninklijke prijs voor schilderkunst in 2014. Meer info kunt u vinden op zijn website:

Giorgos Kontis’ Solo Show ”Winter kept us warm” Brussels

Giorgos Kontis, graduate of the MFA AKV/St.Joost is having a solo show at EUROCONTROL in Brussels

EUROCONTROL Headquarters
Opening June 18th, 2014
Eurocontrol premises, Brussels

Visiting this exhibition requires a registration until the 13th of June

Press Release:



The Wavering Stage – Lorelinde Verhees & Alwin Lay

Untitled-2Lorelinde Verhees  , former master student of AKV/St.Joost is presenting her work in the duo show ‘The Wavering Stage’ with Alwin Lay at Quartier am Hafen in Cologne.

Opening June 13, 19.00 h

Run for the Shadows – Solo Show

Ton de Boer Gallery presents the Solo Show of the ex-participant Rozemarijn Westerink

31 May – 22 June

Rozemarijn Westerink
Run for the Shadows

Press Release:
We would like to invite you to our Final Exhibition at Conradstraat 70A.
Rozemarijn Westerink has made an effort to excessively abuse the gallery.
Drawings, paintings and murals fuse into a raving teen room.

Opening: Saturday 31 May, 20h00.
t1yr_rozemarijndubbelwebTon de Boer Gallery
Conradstraat 70A
1018 NK Amsterdam
opening hours: 13h00 – 18h00
thursday, friday, saturday and by appointment
Marjoca de Greef
+31 6 166 101 95


In the dead of night – Solo show / Tamara Dees

//In the dead of night

13 april-17 may 2014
In the dead of night (solo) Galerie van den Berge, Westwal 45, Goes

On Sunday the 13th of April the solo exhibition of Tamara Dees opens at Galerie van den Berge in Goes (NL). It will show recent works and some older works. One of the works is The Disappearance, based on a book about the history of sailing from the seventies. In the book, on every page she colored the ship black with a permanent marker.
You are cordially invited to join the opening of the show at 14 pm, Westwal 45, Goes.

The Disappearance (page 94)

The Disappearance, page 94 (2014)
permanent marker on a page from the book ‘The Joy of Sailing’

 Tamara Dees graduated in 2001 from the Post St. Joost Breda, Visual Arts (MA)

DAAN GIELIS / Interpunction #7

Daan Gielis , former participant, presents his work in the exhibition Interpunction #7 at the Tatjana Pieters Gallery.

Opening : Sunday 30. March 3-6 pm On view until 04.05.2014





Wed – Thu – Fri – Sat – Sun
from 2 till 6 pm
or by appointment outside of regular opening hours


Nieuwevaart 124/001
9000 Gent
T +32 9 324 45 29

Tanya Long – Photography As: Seven Years Without a Camera

Photography As: Seven Years Without a Camera is a retrospective exhibition of analogue camera-less photography by the American artist Tanya Long , an ex participant of the MFA AKV/St.Joost. Long’s practice researches the possibilities of photography beyond a mechanically rendered representation. Photography is reduced to its essence: light and time.

The official opening is Saturday 29 march from 17:00 to 21:00 

On view until 14 April 2014
Friday & Saturday: 13:00 – 21:00 Sunday: 13:00 – 17:00
Or by appointment:

Temporary Art Centre, Vonderweg 1, 5611 BK Eindhoven
SONY DSC Long_T_09b

Let Gooooo – Middelburg NL

Giorgos Kontis, graduate of our master program, has a solo show at ruimte CAESUUR in Middelburg.

Opening : Saturday March 22nd at 16.00.                                                                         The exhibition will run until May 3rd, and it is curated by Just Quist.

teamCaesuur invites you at the opening of the exhibition of the painter Giorgos Kontis on Saturday March 22nd at 16.00. ”It is the first of a new series, in which we take an exhibition as a work in progress: we not only will show you the work of an artist in ruimteCaesuur, we also will let you witness the set-up of an exhibition, the way the artist is playing along with this space, the way the space itself has been established, and especially the way the work may take meaning in the artist’s hands in this space in front of the public, and to that we will appeal to your own imagination.We therefore will invite you during this exhibition to all sorts of activitites: a lecture, aperformance, a happening, a table-talk and so on.Fore this new series we’ve consigned everything to a curator, Just Quist, who too hasreshapen the space of ruimteCaesuuur in order to investigate the way meaning arises in a indefinite space by the interaction between artist, organizers, and public making visible the object of everybody’s imagination.”

Invitation CaesuurGiorgos Kontis:

“I was delighted to receive the invitation by Just Quist to participate in the ‘Let Gooooo’ project. What came along with this invitation were firstly enthusiasm, based on the challenge of how to deal with the exhibit of my work, and secondly anxiety, because of the numerous ways that this could possibly take place and the need to invent and propose a more personal way. How do we deal with the ‘painted image’ and how and what the exhibition of it could be? Could it be a workshop or a form of exhibiting of the whole process that leads to the painted image, rather than plainly the display of the latter?  My work is focused on painting and I see painting as a process whose outcome is what I like to call the painted image. The use and function of the painted image have become central in my contemplation on painting. How can it be displayed and how does it radiate itself? And more specifically in abstract painting: does it bear a religious hue, does it function as an Icon?  Regarding the concerns of my art practice and by the occasion of Just’s invitation I decided to focus on the dialogue that can be created between my work and the beautiful space of Ruimte Caesuur. Though, my ambition is this dialogue to take a more substantial character and through it the viewer to have the chance of an insight into my work and the questionings that surround it.”  G. kONTIS_CAESUUR_ Photo1-DOCfor more information :   and

Point Omega – Antwerp

Yiannis Papadopoulos an ex participant presents his work Point Omega in Antwerp
point omega invitatJolie* “Grieckx” is a Greek typeface cut by Robert Granjon, to Christophe Plantin’s order in 1574. Plantin never used it. Although the last letter Ω and the first letter α from Jolie could be visible from Plantin en Moretuslei on the 21st and 22nd  March 2014.
Thoughts on spillover, pressure, matrices and patrices, an Orient fit to a Vesper.

21st and 22nd March, open from 20:00 until 23:00
Wilrijkstraat 37, 2140 Antwerp

for more details

SCRIBBLE FOR LIFE – group exhibition

Former participant Remy Habets is featured in the following group exhibition
opening Saturday 15-03-2014  at 15:00
remy habetsfor more information

Solo exhibition – Lieven Segers at Base Alpha Gallery

Lieven Segers an ex participant of our MFA is presenting:
Sneeuwwitje en de Zeven Segers
(Exercises in Loneliness)
16/01 – 01/03

Opening Thu. 16/01, 19h
Sunday opening on 19/01, 15-18h

Kattenberg 12 | 2140 Antwerp (Borgerhout)
Wednesday – Saturday | 2 – 6 PM
+32(0)476/62.03.17 | +32(0)3/295.86.36

RUMIKO HAGIWARA – Solo Show , Jeanine Hofland Gallery, Amsterdam

RUMIKO HAGIWARA , a former FA master student of our program is having a solo show at  Jeanine Hofland Gallery in Amsterdam.




OPENING 22 FEBRUARY, 17.00H-19.00H

Jeanine Hofland proudly presents the second solo exhibition in the gallery by Japanese artist Rumiko Hagiwara (1979, JP) entitled  If you make that kind of joke, then we call it a lie. Rumiko Hagiwara borrowed the title of the exhibition from a painting by Benny Van den Meulengracht-Vrancx. A Belgium artist who Rumiko Hagiwara met in Antwerp during her residency at AIR Antwerpen. The phrase emphasizes an answer of a Japanese woman when Meulengracht-Vrancx confronted her with the western notion of a sarcastic dialogue on a rather boring concert; ‘Did you have fun last night?’, ‘Yes it was really, really good!’
The Japanese woman intended to say that if someone within a Japanese context would answer in a positive manner to address a boring concert it is not  considered as a joke, but as a lie.