Tag Archives: Piffin Duvekot

WKNDEXPO, a new series of one-weekend exhibitions in Electron, Breda

Current MFA participant Maurice Nuiten has started a new series of short presentations at de Kopse Kant in Electron. So far he invited Piffin Duvekot, Thom Brand and Helga Jakobson to make a presentation.


Tonight, the first one in the series is opening: 60 c Baumwolle, an exhibition with site specific work. For more info, keep an eye on their website:


Open Studio 2015: introduction of participants

Schermafbeelding 2015-06-29 om 17.20.20

The 1st years made a small booklet for the upcoming open studio’s to introduce their practice.

You can view the whole booklet here:


Please be welcome for the opening this week, july 2nd 16.00 h, Onderwijsboulevard 256, Den Bosch